Understanding the Basics- Clicker Training
Understanding the Basics- Learning Theory
300 Peck Pigeon- Proofing with variable reinforcement schedules
Resource Guarding- origins, explanations, prevention and solutions
Articles by authors we like:
BAT- Behaviour Adjustment Training- An Introduction- by Grisha Stewart
How do I stop my dog chasing?- by David Ryan
Treatment Plans for Behavioral Regressions- by Patricia McConnell
Sheepdog?- Understanding the behaviour of Border Collies by Kay Lawrence
Why won't dominance die?- by David Ryan
Why won't my dog come back?- by David Ryan
Books and DVDs:
- Behaviour Adjustment Training for Fear and Aggression- Grisha Stewart (Jan 23, 2010 Seminar DVD)
-The Culture Clash- Jean Donaldson
-The Dog Aggression Handbook- James O'Heare
- Don't Shoot The Dog- The New Art To Teaching And Training- Karen Pryor
-The Cautious Canine- Patricia B. McConnell
-How to be the leader of the pack... and have your dog love you for it!- Patricia B. McConnell - Dominance- Fact or Fiction- Barry Eaton
- Stop! How to control predatory chasing in dogs- David Ryan
-Unlock your dog's potential: How to achieve a calm and happy canine- Sarah Fisher
- Walk together, Learn together (DVD)- Kay Lawrence
- In Defence of Dogs: Why Dogs Need Our Understanding- John Bradshaw
- Try Tracking!: The Puppy Tracking Primer by Carolyn Krause
Clicker Training:
- Clicker Training for Dogs- Karen Pyror
- 100 Ways to Train the Perfect Dog- Sarah Fisher and Marie Miller
-Dog Tricks- Mary Ray & Justine Harding
- Mary Ray's Superdog- Mary Ray & Andrea McHugh
Dancing With Dogs- Mary Ray & Andrea McHugh
- Control Unleashed- Lesley McDevitt
Raw feeding:
- Natural Nutrition for Dogs and Cats: The Ultimate Diet- Kymythy R. Schultze
- Raw Dog Food: Make It Easy For You And Your Dog- Carina Beth MacDonald