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The DINOS campaign aims to encourage responsible ownership and understanding of all dogs (especially DINOS- Dogs in Need of Space), as well as good dog walking manners.

Check out the DINOS campaign by clicking on the image above!

The Yellow Dog Project, in a similar way to the DINOS campaign is aims to create public awareness for dogs that for whatever reason, whether it be for health, behavioural or otherwise, need space. The Project now advocates the use of a visual marker (usually a yellow ribbon but anything yellow) for these dogs so that other members of the public or other dog walkers can be made aware and thus allow yellow dogs and their owners time and space to move out of their way. It also provides resources and useful links for owners of yellow dogs., home of all things BAT (Behaviour Adjustment Training), the force-free, positive rehabilitation method for aggression, reactivity and frustration, developed by Grisha Stewart of Ahimsa Dog Training in Seattle., a site dedicated to supplying useful resources to help fearful, shy, anxious and aggressive dogs, written by Debbie Jacobs, a Certified Professional Dog Trainer, who decided to begin writing the site after rescuing her own fearful dog, Sunny. 

The Other End of The Leash, blog by world renowned behaviourist and multiple book author, Patricia McConnell, PhD., the website of Kay Laurence, world renowned clicker trainer, and her team at Wagmore. Includes details of new workshops, books, videos and articles.

FDA are a local force-free, positive  dog agility and training club based in Fareham, Hampshire, run by Emma Francis and her team. Check out their website and blog also.